Science of haematology deals with blood and it’s components. It speaks of haemoglobin, Red
Blood Cells, White Blood Cells, Platelets, size and structure of cells and abnormalities of
Them. Haemoglobin: It is most important part of blood as it supplies Oxygen to all tissues
of body. If for any reason somebody lacks proper haemoglobin level, which is called as
anaemia, it causes serious problems such as breathlessness, swelling on body, paleness and
even serious cardiac problems. Deficiency of haemoglobin can be due to many reasons. Some
are lack of proper diet, iron deficient diet, vitamin deficiencies and some hereditary
causes. WBCs are very important in defence mechanism of body. They try to kill the invaders
and keep body protected. It is very important to know about blood parameters to fight
diseases and maintaining health.